Basalys parasitoid Diptera

(id: 499)

Originally cited and (current family): Basalys (Diapriidae) / Diptera ()


Key: reference lot specimen refuting
referenceMasner, L., and J. L. Garcia. 2002. The Genera of Diapriinae (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae) in the New World., 138 pp..
confidence Cited with no further explanation (e.g. in table/list).
notes Citing Simmonds (1953)
setting unknown
created/modified 03/12/2007 03/12/2007

referenceSimmonds, F. J. 1952. Parasites of the fruit-fly Oscinella fruit (L) in Eastern North America. Bulletin of Entomological Research 43503-542.
confidence Unchecked/unclassified citation.
notes Via Masner and Garcia (2002)- likely more specific than "Diptera".
setting unknown
created/modified 03/12/2007 03/12/2007