Trichopria tabanivora ? - pupal Chrysops mitis

(id: 297)

Originally cited and (current family): Trichopria tabanivora (Diapriidae) / Chrysops mitis (Tabanidae)


Key: reference lot specimen refuting
referenceCameron, A. E. 1926. Bionomics of the Tabanidae (Diptera) of the Canadian prairie. Bulletin of Entomological Research 17:1-42.
confidence Multiple isolated single hosts from wild, with host remains isolated following emergence/dissection.
setting field
created/modified 08/15/2005 02/20/2006

referenceJones, C. M., and D. W. Anthony. 1964. The Tabanidae (Diptera) of Florida. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1295:54-59.
confidence Cited with no further explanation (e.g. in table/list).
setting unknown
created/modified 09/08/2005 02/20/2006