Diapria coccophaga host Ctenochiton perforatus

(id: 229)

Originally cited and (current family): Diapria coccophaga (Diapriidae) / Ctenochiton perforatus (not given)


Key: reference lot specimen refuting
referenceThompson, W. R. 1955. A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests Section 2 Host parasite catalogue, Part 3 Hosts of the Hymenoptera (Calliceratid to Evaniid). Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, The Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
confidence Cited with no further explanation (e.g. in table/list).
setting unknown
created/modified 08/04/2005 02/20/2006

referenceGourlay, E. S. 1930. Preliminary Host-list of the entomophagous insects of New Zealand. New Zealand Department of Science and Industry Research, Bulletin 22:1-13.
confidence Cited with no further explanation (e.g. in table/list).
notes "It will be noticed in Maskell's indistinct figures that the pupa and forewing of the parasite are those of a chalcidoid wasp, and not a proctotrypoid..." - Refutes Maskell (1878 or 1888)
setting unknown
created/modified 08/16/2005 03/10/2007