Trichopria ? - pupal Haematobia irritans

(id: 139)

Originally cited and (current family): Trichopria (Diapriidae) / Haematobia irritans (Muscidae)


Key: reference lot specimen refuting
referenceMackenzie, C. L., and J. V. Richerson. 1993. Parasitoids of the horn fly in rangeland ecosystems of trans-pecos Texas. Southwestern Entomologist 18:57-59.
confidence Multiple isolated single hosts from wild, with host remains isolated following emergence/dissection.
notes May not be true pupal parasitoid. Possibly developing ectoparasitically on pupa within puparium.
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created/modified 07/22/2005 02/20/2006

referenceCombs, R. L., and C. E. Hoelscher. 1969. Hymenopterous Pupal Parasitoids Found Associated with the Horn Fly in Northeast Mississippi. Journal of Economic Entomology 62:1234-1235.
confidence Cited with no further explanation (e.g. in table/list).
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created/modified 08/09/2005 02/20/2006