Paraspilomicrus froggatti ? - pupal Lucilia

(id: 130)

Originally cited and (current family): Paraspilomicrus froggatti (Diapriidae) / Lucilia (Calliphoridae)


Key: reference lot specimen refuting
referenceJohnston, T. H., and O. W. Tiegs. 1922. On the biology and economic significance of the chalcid parasites of Australian sheep maggot-flies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 33:99-128.
confidence Multiple isolated single hosts from wild, with host remains isolated following emergence/dissection.
notes Review of Applied Entomolgy states the parasitoid is Hemilexomyia abrupta Dodd. Double check this record.
setting field
created/modified 07/22/2005 06/14/2006

referenceThompson, W. R. 1955. A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests Section 2 Host parasite catalogue, Part 3 Hosts of the Hymenoptera (Calliceratid to Evaniid). Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, The Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
confidence Multiple isolated single hosts from wild, with host remains isolated following emergence/dissection.
setting field
created/modified 07/22/2005 02/20/2006

referenceref incomplete
confidence Cited with no further explanation (e.g. in table/list).
notes References 5096
setting unknown
created/modified 08/26/2005 02/20/2006