Couplet 32.
[1] Macropterous species
[7] Notaulices distinct throughout (except in _Synacra_;...
[8] Mandibles not forming a beak, the outer side of one ...
[12] Scutellum normally without any kind of sculpture pos...
[17] Mandibles of the ordinary form, short and only sligh...
[21] Segment 1 of flagellum of normal appearance and neve...
[22] If the marginalis is as long as distance from the ba...
[24] Marginalis rarely nearly equal to its distance from ...
[25] Pronotum rarely with a hollow on each side and then ...
[26] Epomia absent so that the surface of the s...
[1] Macropterous species
[7] Notaulices distinct throughout (except in _Synacra_;...
[8] Mandibles not forming a beak, the outer side of one ...
[12] Scutellum normally without any kind of sculpture pos...
[17] Mandibles of the ordinary form, short and only sligh...
[21] Segment 1 of flagellum of normal appearance and neve...
[22] If the marginalis is as long as distance from the ba...
[24] Marginalis rarely nearly equal to its distance from ...
[25] Pronotum rarely with a hollow on each side and then ...
[26] Epomia absent so that the surface of the s...
radial cell completely closed, the radialis sharply defined; eyes hairy but not conspicuously so
future couplets
Marginalis at least two-thirds as l... ...
Acropiesta Foerster
Marginalis at most one-third as lon... ...
radial cell widely open, the radialis virtually absent; eyes bar. (marginalis at least two-thirds as long as its distance from the basalis (fig. 104); scape clothed only with an extremely short pubescence and without outstanding hairs)
From Nixon (1...